Adbar ethiopian Women's Alliance

In 1994, Adbar Women's Alliance was established as a 501(c)(3) grassroots organization by a group of immigrants, former refugees and individuals who wanted to create a safe place for women and their families to address issues and concerns affecting their lives. Our work focuses on solving problems, building community, and empowering underserved women and their families.
What "Adbar" Means
Adbar is an Ethiopian word meaning a female "goddess."
Adbar represents Earth and the spirit or underlying force of a community. Adbar recalls a living power, a gathering place, and stablity. It is also a symbol of love, peace, harmony, justice, and motherhood.
Our Mission
Adbar Women’s Alliance is committed to enhancing and empowering the social, economic, status of low-income women, families, and at-risk individuals through
skill building program, community organizing, advocacy and collaboration with organizations with shared objectives and common concerns.
Our Vision
Adbar aspires to the development of a safe and healthy community based on cooperation, diversity, cross-cultural collaboration, and creating a more equitable society.
Become An Ambassador!
The most important part of being an ambassador is creating awareness about Adbar and focusing on fundraising. We have set an ambitious goal of raising $90,000 for our new "Empowerment Not Handouts!" Cooperative Enterprises Initiative.
As an ambassador, this is what we ask of you:
1. Spread awareness about what we do among colleagues, friends, and family.
2. Auction items, vacation packages and donated services contributed by sponsors are appreciated and accepted as funding sources.
3. Explore any potential sources of funding with individuals or companies with which you have relationships.